Debug Issues

Our tool is a 3rd party product that integrates with the depop website. This section is a small guide explaining things you may run into while using our application

If you run into an issue, don’t panic. Read through this section and if you can’t find an answer: just send us an email at , we will help you.

  • Errors containing a number starting with 5 (500, 501, 502, 503, 504+): 5xx errors are server error responses from depop, you can learn more about them here. Any error message containing these numbers can indicate that depop servers are overworked. This is not caused specifically by you, but it is a good idea to take a break for an hour or so if/when you encounter an error like this. If you see a “reason” (mobile/web) attached to the error, it refers to the depop server that caused the issue.

  • Errors that include the number 429: This error is a strong indication that your delay may be set too low as it roughly translates to “Too Many Requests”. We recommend taking a break.

  • Depop Login Errors: The bot does not interact with the depop login page. Clear your browser cookies/cache and try again. If that doesn’t solve the problem you are facing, contact depop’s support for help.

  • Login Errors: If you are prompted to enter a login code to use the bot and the code has not shown up, send us an email

  • Blank white screen when going on the depop site: This occurs if you are using a VPN to access the depop site. When you use a VPN you are sharing an IP address with lots of people, many sites routinely blacklist the IP addresses from popular VPN’s which leads to this issue.

Last updated